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Most beautiful Nilgiri tourism

Nilgiri tourism 

Nilgiri :-

  If you want to reach the sky, you need to go to Nilgiri. In the blue sky over the head, white clouds play in the blue sky. Nilgiri is one of the blue plains of beauty. Due to the eucalyptus, Bandarban is called Darjeeling in Bangladesh. It is a great pleasure to visit here during both the winter and the rainy season. However, traveling in the rainy season is more fun. Because at this time, the days of watching the deafening dance of the clouds go on.
Most beautiful Nilgiri tourism

Nilgiri is located at the top of the hill only 45 km from the district headquarters. In a short time, the army-led tourist spot Nilgiri has become known throughout the country. From the Bandarban on the hill-drawn road, you can go to Nilgiri on a moon car or a jeep-micro bus.
Most beautiful Nilgiri tourism

Three cottages containing all the facilities for tourists named Akash Nila, Meghdoot, Nilatana have been set up at the Nilgiri tourist center in the remote mountains. Cottages are available for nightly rent for between one thousand and two and a half thousand rupees. There is also a modern restaurant. Upon reaching the Nilgiris after crossing the hill, the restaurant can be filled with stomachs.
Most beautiful Nilgiri tourism

Eucalyptus is a unique gift of nature. Keokradong, the second highest mountain in the country, can be seen from the Nilgiri Peak, the natural wonder bogalek, the sea of ​​Cox's Bazar, the lighted lights of the Chittagong port and the eye-catching hills.
There are several Mro tribal villages near the Nilgiris. Located close to the Nilgiris, you can easily visit and learn about the Mro tribes. There is a camp of Bangladesh Army at Nilgiri. As a result, there is no security deficit. Army members will extend their support to you in any way you need.
Most beautiful Nilgiri tourism

The beauty of the night of the eucalyptus is even more shocking. Seeing the call of various wildlife, including the deer and foxes around, and playing the light of the hills, your life will seem as mysterious. For those who like adventure, the night sapphire can be a great place. On the thanks to Nilgiri, you'll see the gorgeous great thing about Bandarban. The indigenous bomb youth will welcome you here. You can buy various products made by the indigenous people from here. After that, the dream will be dreamy. Even the astonishing beauty of Bandarban can be enjoyed from the dream.
After reaching the dream, you will reach Chimbuk, the Darjeeling fame of Bengal. The reputation of Chimbuk is across the country. There is a huge tower of T&T, development board built rest house with all facilities. There is also an old rest house in the Roads and Highways Department.
Upon reaching Chimbuk, a tributary of indigenous peoples can drink a cup of tea made by himself and leave for Nilgiri. Or just a little further away there is an army-operated canteen. Here you can have lunch or a light meal.
The most interesting thing about the Nilgiris is the spiraling Sangu River overlooking Bandarban. From here, it would seem that the Sangu River is very close to you. The unique beauty of the Sangu River can be enjoyed here. Looking at the small boats that sail through the chest of Sangu, from the distance, it seems as if a dream dinghy is flowing through the Sangu River.
Most beautiful Nilgiri tourism

Helipad is also built here for direct landing of VIPs. General visitors are, however, prohibited from entering the helipad. A flower garden has been erected in the Nilgiri.


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