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tourism in switzerland best places to visit

Switzerland tourism

Switzerland is a small country in the waters of the Alps. The small villages in the eastern part of the Alps are a feature of Switzerland. Suda, the glittering blue lake, the emerald valley, Himi, the fairytale village, is home to world-class international resorts and hiking, biking, climbing, skiing, paragliding and sledgling in the central city of Puerto Rico, Switzerland. Join Nib now about the sights of Switzerland, determined by American, Italian, Austrian and brand.

1. Meterhorn

Meterhorn, Switzerland tourism

One of the highest peaks in the Alps is the Meterhorn in Switzerland. The height of this iconic peak is 4478 meters. When the first ascent was made in 1865, all four riders died tragically. Thousands of experienced mountaineers visit this place during the current summer. One of the top international resorts located in the charming village of Jarmet at the foot of this mountain. There are horse-drawn carriages, wooden houses, world-class hotels and restaurants. In order to maintain the quality of the air and maintain a peaceful environment, motorized vehicles are not allowed here. When skiing in winter, people can go up to 300 km slope. Glacier skiing, mountaineering, swimming and tennis are popular in summer. See on the cover of the article a beautiful materhorn like imagination.

2. Jangfros

The Jungfro region is one of the best places to visit in Switzerland for both summer and winter. Even a century or two ago, adventurous explorers would only go for the Alps. At present, a wide network of railways, beautiful walking or biking routes are easily accessible to different types of tourists. The Jungfro region consists of four picturesque towns, Grindelwald, Muren, Lotterbrunnen and Wengen, and three picturesque mountains, Eger, Manch and Jangfru. The most interesting rail journey in Switzerland is from Klein Skeidek Mountains through Eger and Manch Mountains to Jangfros. The name of the train of this rail trip is Jangfruban.

3. Interlaken

Although known as the Interlaken Clock Making Center, it is now popular as a tourist resort. In the early 1800's, tourists flocked to Interlaken for fresh mountain air and spa treatments. In addition to enjoying the breathtaking views of Switzerland's 3 most famous mountains, it is also popular as a base camp in the Alps. Tourists who want to do something different take one or two classes at a wood carving school there. Hungry tourists eat the classic Swiss dish raslet made with potatoes and cheese.

4. Lucerne

For many tourists, Lucerne is the essence of Switzerland. Lucerne is the gateway to the central part of Switzerland. Beautiful scenery like the picture of Lake Lucerne and below it is a beautiful view of the Alps. The picturesque old city is car-free, with a wooden intermediate bridge in the middle of the city with a painted cover, which is also the oldest bridge in Europe. The historic houses are decorated with murals and there is a nice town square. After looking at these, you can easily understand why Lucerne travel is popular with luxury people all year round. Here tradition and modernity are located side by side. The city has a reputation for innovative design. Designed by French architect Jean Nouvel, The Futuristic Culture and Convention Center (KKL) is one of the city's finest examples of architecture.

5. Geneva

The headquarters of various international organizations are located in Geneva. The International Committee of the Red Cross and the European headquarters of the United Nations are located here. There are also 20 other international organizations here. Geneva is an ideal place for environmentalist tourists. Because Geneva is a "green city". 20% of the city's land is dedicated to gardening. That is why it is also called the "city of parks". The largest alpine lake in Europe is Lake Geneva, located on the border of Switzerland and France.

6. Zurich

The largest city in Switzerland. There are 50 museums and 100 art galleries. When travelers get tired of buying products of the internationally renowned Swiss brand, they can take a boat trip to Lake Zurich or climb a nearby mountain. Don't forget to visit the "Swiss National Museum", a fairytale castle dedicated to the cultural history of Switzerland.

7. Burn

The beautiful medieval city of Bern, pictured, is the capital of Switzerland and has a history dating back to the 12th century. They did not join the Swiss Union before the 16th century. The most interesting thing about this is the ancient clock tower that has moving dolls, it is called Zytglogge. Other popular places are Munster, Gothic Cathedral and Town Hall. The longest covered shopping area in Europe is located in this ancient city which is four miles long.
Lugano, known as “Monticarlo in Switzerland”, Lucien which is the birthplace of writers like Lord Byron, Shelley and Ernest Hemingway, Basel known as “The City of Art”, Engadine St. Moritz, Ticino area famous for fun food and wine are also great places to visit in Switzerland. 


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